Main | Thursday, November 21, 2013

Denver Post To Launch Marijuana News Site, But Will Drug Test Its Reporters

From the news director of the Denver Post:
Colorado will open the doors to legal recreational marijuana sales in the new year. We have been covering the medical marijuana industry for more than a decade. But last year, voters approved legalized recreational marijuana. We have written extensively about the research on marijuana, the regulation, the wrangling in the legislature, cooking with marijuana and growing it. The new year will bring all angles together in a way that is challenging and exciting for us. We plan to do what we do with any major story: throw our best muscle, creative minds and ingenuity at the project. We’re going to have some fun – with a mix of news, entertainment and culture stories. Say what you want about the newspaper industry, but The Post is the most powerful news organization in the region. We know how to cover big stories. And with pot, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

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