Main | Thursday, November 14, 2013

FRC Prays Against ENDA

The Family Research Council is asking God to step in and thwart the passage of ENDA in the House.
The Employment Non-Discrimination Act - The misnamed bill will impose open homosexuality and transgenderism upon all U.S. private and public workplaces just as the repeal of DADT did the U.S. Military. ENDA has already passed the U.S. Senate May God give House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and Congress the moral strength to reject ENDA! (Ex 23:2; Dt 28; Josh 1:8 ff; Is 10:1; Rom 1:32; Eph 6:10-20; Rev 12:11)
Which of those verses says it should be legal to fire gay people? (Via Good As You)

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