Main | Sunday, November 10, 2013

HAWAII: Senate To Pass Marriage Equality Bill In Concurrence Vote On Tuesday

Yesterday the president of the Hawaiian Senate announced that he will recommend that his chamber accept the amended marriage equality bill. Passage will come on Tuesday.
Abercrombie is expected to sign the marriage equality bill into law shortly after he receives it from the Senate. If Abercrombie signs the bill before Nov. 20, Hawaii would be the 15th state plus the District of Columbia to allow same-sex couples to marry. Gov. Pat Quinn of Illinois has announced that he would sign a marriage equality bill into law at a ceremony in Chicago on Nov. 20.  "There are very few opportunities to participate in government in decisions that define your career, and this is one of those decisions that will define the careers of all of the members in the Legislature," Hee told reporters at a news conference where he appeared with Senate Majority Leader Brickwood Galuteria (D, Kakaako-McCully-Waikiki). "Although Hawaii was not the first to enact same-sex marriage, what shouldn't be lost is Hawaii was the first -- in the Baehr v. Lewin lawsuit -- that started the same-sex marriage discussion nationally."
The Senate vote is expected to be 21-4.

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