Main | Monday, November 04, 2013

KENTUCKY: Gay Divorce Attempted

A Kentucky lesbian couple who married in Massachusetts in 2009 has filed for divorce in their home state. The case may end up before the Kentucky Supreme Court where a ruling could overturn the state's constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.
I have a career here, a life here, and I think I should have the same right as a heterosexual to divorce here,” said Alysha Romero, 29, an administrative assistant in the University of Louisville’s radiology department. But both opponents and supporters of gay marriage — including [Romero's lawyer Louis] Waterman — say the court will have no choice but to dismiss the petition because Kentucky’s marriage amendment bans not only gay marriage, but the recognition of such marriages performed elsewhere as well. Waterman said he intends to appeal the likely dismissal and then ask the Kentucky Supreme Court to throw out the marriage amendment on the grounds that it violates equal protection of law guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution.
RELATED: The Texas Supreme Court on Tuesday will hear the cases of two gay couples who have been denied divorces there. (Tipped by JMG reader Kevin)

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