Main | Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Manhattan Declaration Declares National Fasting Day For Home Schooling

The organizers of the Manhattan Declaration are calling for a national day of prayer and fasting to convince God to make the Supreme Court take a case about home schooling.  Via press release:
In Romeike v. Holder, Home School Legal Defense Association is asking the Supreme Court to uphold the principle that the United States is a land that will offer protection to a German family who faces certain persecution and violation of their fundamental human rights if they are forced to return to their homeland. The Manhattan Declaration says that “under no circumstances will we render under to Caesar what is God’s.” Do children belong to Caesar? Doesn’t God give children as gifts to parents and assign them the right and responsibility to raise and educate them? Will you join me and thousands of others for a day of prayer and fasting on November 17 to ask God’s favor on behalf of religious freedom and this precious family—Uwe and Hannah Romeike and their seven children?
RELATED: For those unaware, signers of the Manhattan Declaration avow that they will "civilly disobey" laws that protect LGBT people from discrimination. The Manhattan Declaration was cited last year in the RICO lawsuit filed against numerous anti-gay groups alleged to be accomplices in the kidnapping of the child of a lesbian mother. Some of the parties named in the lawsuit have signed the Manhattan Declaration.

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