Main | Sunday, December 15, 2013

Mike Huckabee: I'll Run For President Again But Only If God Tells Me To

Mike Huckabee says that he'll run for president in 2016, but only if God tells him to.
"The first question he was asked was whether or not he was running for president and he said he'd let the Lord decide," ABC quoted Warren Watkins, pastor of Westside Baptist Church, as saying, of pastors' interaction with Huckabee at a meeting at the Convention Center in Little Rock, Ark., Thursday night. "I think most of the evangelical pastors are already behind him, but I thought this was a great event for him to do that probably," added David Insell, pastor of Believer's Community Church in Batesville, Ark., who was also at the meeting.
Huckabee won a number of states during the 2008 primaries but withdrew after it became clear that John McCain would win Texas and achieve the required number of delegates to secure his nomination.

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