Main | Tuesday, December 03, 2013

The Torah Makes No Distinction: Even Butch Homos Must Be Stoned To Death

From the about page for Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi:
Kiruv Organization is a Non Profit Organization founded 16 years ago in 1995 by Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi in New York for the purpose of connecting Jews to Judaism and Torah. As of today there are more than 56,000 followers on Rabbi Mizrachi’s FaceBook page whom listen to lectures and read articles on a daily basis. Rabbi’s very successful FaceBook page receives over a million visits per month. Kiruv Organization has given out thousands of DVDs, Audio CDs, MP3 CDs which include famous films such as Divine Information, Torah and Science, The Debate Christianity vs. Judaism, Life after Life, and many more. There are literally thousands of Baaley Teshuva from all the activities, many of them learning Torah in some of the best Yeshivas in Israel and the USA. Rabbi Mizrachi also opened a Yeshiva in Jerusalem in 2001. As of now the Yeshiva has 24 top sculer avrechim whom learn Torah all day in a very high level.
According to Mizrachi, the Torah makes no distinction between men who are born gay and feminine and those who are "perfectly normal" and "choose" to become gay after marrying a woman.  "There is no difference in the Torah between one gay to another. The Torah says everyone who did an act of homosexuality has to be put to death."

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