Main | Monday, January 20, 2014

HAWAII: Christian Group To Testify Against Student Anti-Discrimination Bill

Hawaii Family Advocates, one of the hate groups that helped organize that state's now-infamous "citizens' filibuster" against same-sex marriage, is once again rallying their troops. Tomorrow the group's supporters plan to descend upon a Hawaii House hearing on a student anti-discrimination bill.

From the text of the bill:
[[]§302A-1001[]] Student bias. No person in the State, on the basis of sex, race, religion, or sexual orientation shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational or recreational program or activity receiving state or county financial assistance or utilizing state or county facilities.
Hawaii Family Advocates writes:
Using this broad language, any church or religious organization holding services at a state or county facility (such as a public school cafeteria or auditorium) could not deny services or benefits associated with their organization. This could include participation in services, membership to the religious organization or even the sanctioning of a same-sex marriage. Any religious organization not in compliance with HB744 would be subject to an “action”. Due to the vague language, the arbiter of this action would be the Hawaii Civil Rights Commission whose actions continue to erode religious freedoms. Any choice between a person’s religious beliefs and a place to worship is no choice at all.
The bill is supported by the ACLU.

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