Main | Friday, February 14, 2014

One Million Moms Vs Sports Illustrated

Just in from One Million Moms:
Dear Joe, The cover of the Sports Illustrated 50th Anniversary Swimsuit Issue features three topless models hugging with their backs turned and focuses on the thong bikini bottoms they wear. There is also a side view of one model's breast. The SI Swimsuit Issue is nothing but soft porn and most closely resembles Playboy magazine. This soft core pornography is displayed in many family stores, often at checkout counters which is extremely offensive, disgusting and disrespectful to families. This type of publishing is also degrading to women. Families should be able to enter supermarkets, convenience and drug stores without being subjected to indecency. Since SI is pushing pornography this magazine needs to be removed from stores, or at least moved to the magazine aisle so families can avoid being exposed to this filth. Customers can choose to avoid the magazine aisle, but they cannot escape when the magazine is displayed at the checkout counters and lanes. Also, SI should place this in a nontransparent plastic cover to protect minors who are browsing the magazine aisle. Send an email letter to Sports Illustrated now! Let them know they are pushing pornography and that this year's issue in particular is nothing more than soft porn. Also, request they only display their swimsuit edition on the magazine aisle in nontransparent plastic bags and away from entrances, checkout counters and lanes.
Bolding is mine.

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