Main | Tuesday, February 04, 2014

UTAH: State Cites Debunked Regnerus Study In First Brief To Tenth Circuit Court

Late last night the outside counsel hired to defend the state of Utah in its same-sex marriage case filed its first brief, which relies heavily on the widely-debunked study by discredited Texas researcher Mark Regnerus. Via the Salt Lake Tribune:
Utah has chosen a definition of marriage that is "principally a child-centered institution, one focused first and foremost on the welfare of children rather than the emotional interests of adults," the state said. "And by reinforcing that understanding, the state gently encourages parents to routinely sacrifice their own interests to the legitimate needs and interests of their children." That definition is not designed to demean other family structures "any more than giving an ‘A’ to some students demeans others," the state said. But redefining marriage in "genderless" terms likely would result in lower reproductive rates and fewer children being raised in the ideal environment provided by biological, opposite-sex parents, the state said. The state filed the 120-page brief at approximately 11:30 p.m., beating its deadline by 30 minutes.
Aaaand once again, the gays are causing straights to have fewer babies. Oral arguments in the case are scheduled for April 10th. Read the full brief here(Via Equality Case Files)

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