Main | Monday, March 24, 2014

BRITAIN: Vicar Visits Gay Bar To Offer Homosexuality "Cure" To Its Patrons

Via Kent Online:
The boss of Canterbury’s only gay bar says a vicar offered to “cleanse” its customers and cure them of their homosexuality. Tony Butcher said he was left flabbergasted when the clergyman popped into Limes Lounge in Rosemary Lane, which he claims has been hounded by homophobic opposition ever since it opened six months ago. [snip] “I have no idea which church he was from and we just laughed it off. But it seems to have set the tone of the reaction to the venue which some people clearly don’t like. “We had one angry bloke threaten to burn us down and now are being harassed by the city council, who are threatening to withdraw our licence because of complaints about noise.”

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