Main | Saturday, March 08, 2014

Christians Need To Be Meaner About Gays

"It’s time to pull the curtain on this wizard, folks. Homosexuality itself is wrong. The constructed identity of being 'gay' is harmful and should not be considered a worthy defense in light of reality. The evidence clearly points to the truth that everyone is intrinsically a heterosexual. We need to have the guts to stand up and say so. Our defense should not be because we Christians just hope to somehow preserve narrow rights over here in our holy huddle. It’s because homosexuality is unnatural and unnecessary, and the harm its advocacy is doing to our culture is apparent to anyone with half a brain, even atheists. Confusion abounds only because we won’t state the obvious. And this doesn’t even begin to cover the lunacy of 'transgendered' behavior. Just as we understand race to be a neutral, unchanging characteristic, rational thought arrives at the conclusion that homosexuality is neither. This recognition just confirms facts and is not hateful but helpful to others. Pull back this curtain. Expose the truth, because it’s a positive one." - Hate group leader Linda Harvey, writing for World Net Daily.

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