Main | Monday, March 10, 2014

Hate Group Has United Methodist Sadz

"No one today seriously argues that sex outside of man-woman marriage is consistent with the historic, core doctrinal standards United Methodist clergy vow at their ordinations to uphold. But a vocal minority now bizarrely brag about not keeping their word. By refusing to fulfill his basic responsibilities as bishop to uphold our standards, Bishop McLee is demonstrating a profound lack of integrity, breaking his own word to God and the church, and is further undermining trust in bishops throughout our denomination. Bishop McLee has effectively declared that he will run his conference as if it is independent from the rest of our global denomination. Bishop McLee has ensured a prolonging and an intensification of our denomination's internal conflicts. No wonder his region is losing members so rapidly. Despite their professed concern for church unity, this minority faction is determined to lead 'United' Methodists down the same liberalizing road that has split other oldline Protestant denominations." - John Lomperis, United Methodist Action Director for the Institute On Religion & Democracy, reacting to today's news.

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