Main | Sunday, March 23, 2014

Joe Biden Pushes ENDA At HRC Gala

"My grandkids, my children, and their kids are going to be shocked, it shocks the conscious that this very moment in American history, in some states, an employer can fire you just because of who you are, or who you love.  It’s close to barbaric.  I mean think about this, a man, no I really mean this.  Imagine, imagine, 20 years from now, as America look back and say how in the hell could that have ever been allowed?   The country’s moved on.  The American people have moved on, it’s time for the Congress to move on, and pass ENDA.  Pass ENDA now.  Not tomorrow, now!" - Vice President Joe Biden, speaking last night at the HRC gala in Los Angeles.

More via HRC press release:
Speaking to over 1,000 LGBT rights supporters at the Human Rights Campaign Los Angeles gala, tonight Vice President Joe Biden said the United States will be a world leader in the fight for LGBT equality. His keynote address, which lasted 28 minutes, outlined the administration’s commitment to stand up for the human rights of LGBT people around the world. His speech comes on the heels of anti-LGBT laws enacted in Russia, Nigeria and Uganda over the last year. Vice President Biden also issued an emphatic demand for Congress to pass ENDA now. “The single most basic of all human rights is the right to decide who you love,” Vice President Biden said in his remarks.
Biden's full remarks are in the clip below.

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