Main | Thursday, March 06, 2014

Log Cabin To CPAC: Let Us Speak

"Any official participation from Log Cabin Republicans at CPAC needs to be meaningful, and in our estimation meaningful participation does not begin and end with buying a ticket to CPAC. We asked for a seat at the table — quite literally — at the 'Reaching Out' panel at this year’s conference. It seemed a natural fit for LCR, while also giving CPAC the benefit of showing their inclusion of gay conservatives at an event in which the focus was not specifically about gay issues. We were rebuffed. Like all good conservatives, we want conservatives to win. With a preponderance of Americans in support of equal rights for gay Americans, Log Cabin Republicans’ mantra that 'inclusion wins' has never been more relevant. It’s not too late for the ACU to embrace that, allow us formal participation on the 'Reaching Out' panel, and welcome Log Cabin Republicans as meaningful participants at this year’s CPAC." - Log Cabin head Gregory Angelo, writing for the Daily Caller.

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