Main | Friday, March 28, 2014

TOMORROW: Activists To Picket Harlem Hate Church, Request Collective Stoning

Tomorrow ACT UP and others will picket Harlem's ATLAH World Missionary Church and demand that they be collectively stoned to death. Via press release:
LGBT activists in New York City are calling for a peaceful protest outside ATLAH World Missionary Church Saturday, March 29th, 11:30 a.m. The controversial Harlem church is located at 36 West 123rd Street at Lenox Avenue, on the Northeast Corner. (Take the 4,5,6 trains to the 125th Street stop. BX15, M116 buses to 125th and Lenox.) Harlem resident Jennifer Louise Lopez recently got tired of repeatedly viewing ATLAH Pastor James David Manning’s virulently homophobic public sign saying, “Jesus would stone homos. Harlem is a homo free zone.” Manning has a history of making strong homophobic statements that are often linked to attacks on President Barack Obama. The sign also recently read, “Obama has released the homo demons on the black man. Look out black woman. A white homo might take your man.” LGBT activists and supporters will sing songs and peacefully, and humorously, request a collective stoning. REAL STONES WILL NOT BE ALLOWED AT THE PROTEST.
I will post full coverage of the protest tomorrow afternoon.

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