Main | Monday, April 14, 2014

Finland Issues Tom Of Finland Stamps

In September, Finland's postal service will release several stamps that feature the work of famed gay artist Tom Of Finland. Via FinnBay:
Itella is owned by the state of Finland, providing postal, logistics and e-commerce services in Finland. Tom of Finland or Touko Laaksonen (8 May 1920 – 7 November 1991) is one of the most popular Finnish artists in Finland, who focused on drawing stylized homoerotic fetish art. He produced over 3,500 illustrations, mostly featuring men with exaggerated primary and secondary sex traits with tight or partially removed clothing. “His emphatically masculine homoerotic drawings have attained iconic status in their genre and had an influence on, for instance, pop culture and fashion. In his works, Tom of Finland utilized the self-irony and humor typical of subcultures,” says Itella.
If you embiggen the image, you'll see that there appears to be three stamps on the page, including one of just the bare butt.

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