Main | Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Perkins: Our FRC Poll Shows 82% Of Republicans Oppose Same-Sex Marriage

Hate group leader Tony Perkins was all over the web yesterday with an FRC-conducted poll which claims that the vast majority of Republicans oppose same-sex marriage. Via press release:
FRC and American Values set out to gauge how the Republican base really feels about an issue that, until recently, was non-negotiable in the GOP. With help from Wilson Research Strategies, we asked a couple straightforward questions about the party's core values -- and what pollsters found might surprise you. Public opinion on marriage isn't the runaway train that liberals want you to believe it is. A whopping 82% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents believe marriage "should be defined only as a union between one man and one woman." And respondents didn't just agree with that statement -- 74% strongly agreed. What's more, they're tired of their elected leaders ignoring the issue -- or worse, pushing the party in the opposite direction. Three-quarters (75%) of respondents rejected the idea that "politicians should support the redefinition of marriage to include same-sex couples" (with 67% strongly agreeing). That should be a wakeup call to the GOP Establishment, which, for the last few years, has thrown its weight behind some highly controversial candidates under the guise of "building a bigger tent." As far as the base is concerned, that's an incredibly short-sighted strategy that does more to divide the party than unite it. Clearly, the vast majority of the GOP continues to see marriage a non-negotiable plank of the national platform and want to see their elected officials uphold it as the standard to stand for, encourage, and promote in law.
A Washington Post poll released last month tells a very different story.

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