Main | Monday, April 14, 2014

Porno Pete Arrested At Canadian College After Refusing To Leave The Campus

Canadian radio station CJME has the story:
An American anti-gay activist and a Canadian abortion activist have been arrested at the University of Regina. Peter LaBarbera, the controversial head of an American lobby group that has been labelled a hate group by the South Poverty Law Center, and Bill Whatcott, an abortion activist who has a history of legal troubles in Saskatchewan, were taken into custody by the Regina Police Service. News Talk Radio's Kevin Martel observed police officers tell the two to leave the school's campus or risk being arrested; after some discussion the men refused to move and were arrested for trespassing. LaBarbera and Whatcott were in Weyburn over the weekend to speak at a pro-life conference. They were at the school attempting to hand out anti-abortion and anti-gay pamphlets, flanked by large placards depicting aborted fetuses.
I have no doubt that LaBarbera deliberately provoked his arrest in order to win martyrdom points with his fellow Christianists back home. And now come the "outraged" appearances on Fox News and websites across Teabagistan.

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