Main | Saturday, May 10, 2014

ARKANSAS: State Files Immediate Stay Request, Marriage Licenses Available At 9AM Today In Eureka Springs

Late last night the state of Arkansas filed for a immediate stay on yesterday's marriage ruling and while weekend responses to such requests are rare, they have happened. Arkansans for Equality reports that the clerk's office in the tiny town of Eureka Springs will be open to issue marriage licenses at 9AM today. There is no waiting period in Arkansas and proof of residency is not required, so hello Oklahoma and Missouri. If you want to get married right away in Arkansas, the Eureka Springs office is only open until 1PM so today's four hour window might be your only chance in the short term. If anybody knows of other offices that will be open today, please share the details in the comments.

BONUS: Eureka Springs is a popular destination for LGBT tourists and the town hosts several "diversity" weekends every year.

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