Main | Wednesday, May 21, 2014

FLORIDA: Marriage Hearing Set For July

Via Equality Florida:
Our Marriage Equality Lawsuit Hearing has been scheduled for July 2nd at 4pm in front of Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Sarah Zabel. The suit is on behalf of six South Florida same-sex couples and the Equality Florida Institute challenging that Amendment 2 and other Florida laws banning marriage equality are unconstitutional. The initial lawsuit was filed in January, and the still undecided motion to intervene was filed in February. Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court Judge Sarah Zabel was expected to rule May 14 on whether the Liberty Counsel can intervene in the lawsuit on behalf of three anti-gay groups, but postponed her ruling and still had not issued a decision. Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court Judge Sarah Zabel was expected to rule May 14 on whether the Liberty Counsel can intervene in the lawsuit on behalf of three anti-gay groups, but postponed her ruling and still had not issued a decision.
The National Center for Lesbian Rights is representing the plaintiffs.

RELATED: Last month the Liberty Counsel was denied in their motion to intervene in the ACLU's federal suit against the state of Florida. The case referenced above is before the state court.

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