Main | Saturday, May 24, 2014

ILLINOIS: Leviticus-Quoting Catholic Priest Busted For Indecent Exposure

A Catholic priest who strongly opposes same-sex marriage has been arrested for exposing himself at an Illinois gas station. From the Chicago Tribune:
Monsignor Aaron R. Brodeski, 44, was charged with two misdemeanor counts of public indecency stemming from an incident on March 27 at the Road Ranger Gas Station, 4980 S. Main St., said Winnebego County Sheriff Deputy Chief Dominic Iasparro. After a warrant was issued for Brodeski's arrest he turned himself over to police and was accompanied by his lawyer this morning. He was ordered held in lieu of $2,000 bail. After posting 10 percent of the amount he was released from the Winnebago County Jail. Brodeski is assigned to the Holy Cross Catholic Church in Batavia according to police and the church's Website. According to Iasparro, Brodeski was at the gas station in the evening of March 27 when he allegedly exposed himself inside the gas station and later exposed himself while he was in a vehicle in the parking lot.
Before the news of his arrest broke in the press, Brodeski had been placed on leave.
Monsignor Aaron Brodeski of Holy Cross Catholic Church in Batavia is on a leave of absence while the Rockford Diocese investigates an allegation regarding his conduct. Bishop David Malloy informed parishioners of this at Masses last Sunday. The bishop did not say of what Brodeski has been accused, nor who has accused him. He did, however, tell parishioners the conduct "in no way pertains to anything having to do with minors, parish funds or anything pertaining to Holy Cross Parish or School," according to the statement he read.
Brodeski writes a column for his diocesan newspaper. Here's a gem from November 2013.
Genesis 2:24 - In this passage we see the plan and design of God for marriage. I believe this is the most important Scripture to consider when trying to understand the problem with homosexual marriage. By looking at the natural design and intention of God in creating male and female we discover that marriage is made for the joining of two people of the opposite sex. I think that sometimes this fact is so obvious that it is often overlooked. Leviticus 18 deals with laws relating to sexual behavior. Verse 22 says, "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; such a thing is an abomination." This passage is not so much about homosexual marriage as it is about homosexual sex. The passage could not be more clear.
In 2003 Brodeski's diocese fired its music director for being gay. Brodeski had something to say about that too.
When the choir rose to sing at Holy Family Catholic Parish in Rockford, Ill., it was not part of the program. It was a protest. The firing of a gay music director has split the congregation at Holy Family, the largest Roman Catholic church in this industrial city of 150,000. After the choir's unscheduled performance Sunday, some parishioners wept, while others applauded. Just as many applauded after the Reverend Aaron Brodeski completed a homily on staying true to church teachings, including those that reject premarital sex and homosexuality. A few walked out during the sermon.
Brodeski is also an anti-porn crusader. From February 2014.
“The bottom line is this,” Msgr. Brodeski says. “The brain, created by God, is made in such a way that when a husband and wife come together in an intimate relationship, chemicals are released (in the brain) that create a deep bond. “Those chemicals can be distorted,” he explains, “when porn is looked at — especially the graphic sex acts that are out there.” The brain, he continues “starts to release ... endorphins and (other) chemicals (and) creates a high. It leads to a false sense of sexual union, and it becomes an addiction.” The porn addiction, like other addictions, “creates loneliness and isolation and confusion. It makes it difficult for (addicts) to look at the opposite sex in a normal way. They walk around feeling guilt and shame. It has a huge effect on marriages. We’re starting to see it already, and it’s going to get worse,” he says.
(Tipped by JMG reader Brandon)

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