Main | Tuesday, May 13, 2014

MICHIGAN: Woman Tosses Slushie At Anti-Gay Mother's Day Protester

Wingnut sites are going nuts after a young woman tossed a Slushie at a locally well-known crackpot posing with the above sign on Michigan corner on Mother's Day. From the anti-gay LifeSiteNews:
A woman peacefully holding a sign outside a Michigan church on Mother's Day was attacked by a pro-gay activist, who threw an ice slushie drink in her face. On Sunday afternoon, Christine Weick stood at an intersection in the city of Grandville with a sign that read, “Thank your mom today for not being gay.” Her message was that Mother's Day is a celebration of children and the natural family, something incompatible with homosexuality. A man later stood by her side and held up a sign supporting homosexuality. As a camera crew from a local TV station raced to the scene, a third person joined them. Jessica Prince, an area teenager, was caught on film scowling as she threw a red slushie in Wieck's face, then maintained a tense stand-off with her. Television station WOOD-TV reports, “Slushie-thrower Jessica Prince using profanity and rude gestures” toward the woman. Wieck soon told Prince that if she advanced toward her again, she would defend herself with pepper spray..
Among those commenting at the above link is Canadian nutjob Bill Whatcott, who was arrested with Porno Pete last month. After the incident, pro-gay counter-protesters showed up with signs that read "Fuck Her" and "I (Heart) Gay People." Another sign read, "But Two Moms Can Be Fabulous!" The drink-tosser was apparently not arrested.

RELATED: Christine Weick reportedly travels to protest at many pro-gay events. She is the author of an "end times" book titled Explain This. Check out this bizarre YouTube clip in which she explains that "Earth sounds" prove that the rapture is about to take place.

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