Main | Thursday, May 22, 2014

NEVADA: Tony Perkins Cheers After Las Vegas Withdraws Its Bid To Host The 2016 Republican Convention

One month after the Nevada GOP dropped opposition to same-sex marriage and abortion from its platform, the Republican National Committee announced this afternoon that Las Vegas has withdrawn its bid to host the 2016 convention.
Heidi Hayes, spokeswoman for the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, said timing played a big role in the decision to withdraw the bid. "After analyzing the requirements and needs of the RNC, particularly the timing of the event, it was determined our existing convention calendar filled with previously booked business made it difficult to host the event at the Las Vegas Convention Center," Hayes said in a statement to FOX5. "We understand the decision and wish the RNC well in their endeavors." The Republican National Committee said the field of cities to host the convention had been narrowed to Cleveland, Dallas, Denver and Kansas City. A vote on a final choice could be made by late summer or early fall.
KKK-affiliated hate group leader Tony Perkins is exulting in the news and implies that Las Vegas withdrew after pressure from RNC chairman Reince Priebus.
"We are pleased to learn today that Las Vegas has withdrawn its bid to become a host city - a decision that comes only weeks after the state party ignited a party-wide firestorm by stripping pro-life and pro-natural marriage language from its state platform. We commend RNC Chairman Reince Priebus for his work to ensure the party upholds the core principles found in the party's platform. Those Republicans who want to rip up the planks of life and marriage in their party's platform will only succeed in building a boardwalk to a permanent GOP minority. The reality is that after two failed presidential cycles, the GOP can't afford to jettison the planks of life and marriage, which would only alienate a segment of voters which is the difference between victory and defeat."
RELATED: After the 2012 GOP convention, Perkins crowed that he had personally written the anti-gay marriage portion of the national party platform.

UPDATE: In tonight's daily message to FRC supporters, Perkins doesn't mention that Las Vegas withdrew voluntarily from consideration.
The reality is that these issues are non-negotiable to the base of the party. The Nevada Republican Party found this out the hard way after its party leaders removed the life and marriage planks from their platform. The plank stripping stunned Republicans around the country and caused many within the party to pull back from giving consideration to Las Vegas as the host site for the 2016 Republican National Convention. Today, the RNC announced that Las Vegas is no longer on the short list of possible host cities. Republicans like Governor Tom Corbett can continue to rip up these planks but they will only succeed in building the GOP a boardwalk to a permanent minority.

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