Main | Thursday, May 08, 2014

Perkins: Indiana Voters Have Punished State Reps Who Backed Gay Marriage

"Supporting marriage might cost you a job in broadcasting, but in Republican politics, it's the best decision you can make. Indiana voters made that crystal clear in last night's primary, refusing to 'hold their peace' on two GOP House members who helped sink the state's chance at a marriage protection amendment. Kathy Heuer (R) and Rebecca Kubacki (R) probably regret their decision to undercut the state's marriage amendment now, after losing in a landslide rebuke of their liberal social positions. The women, who both lost to pro-marriage challengers, flip-flopped on the issue when the state was debating a November referendum -- betraying the GOP platform and ultimately costing Hoosiers the chance to vote their values. Of course, the media wants you to think that Americans everywhere are ready throw man-woman marriage on the ash heap of history. Don't believe it. What happened in Indiana Tuesday only proves what the polling says: Republicans don't just support natural marriage -- they expect their candidates to." - Hate group leader Tony Perkins, who was curiously silent when the exact opposite happened last month in Illinois.

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