Main | Tuesday, May 27, 2014

"Liberal" Putin Attacks Conchita Wurst

Vladimir Putin has condemned Eurovision winner Conchita Wurst for "aggressively" putting her sexuality "on show." Via the Telegraph:
The Russian President, who said he was “very liberal”, was attempting to pour water on a controversy which saw thousands of Russians protest before Wurst’s performance and the Orthodox Church describe her as an “abomination” by saying she has the “right” to live how she wants. However, Mr Putin’s comments appeared to fan the flames of the row as he made his back-handed defence of Wurst, whose real name is Thomas Neuwirth. He told a dinner in St Petersburg: "The Bible talks about the two genders, man and woman, and the main purpose of union between them is to produce children." "For us it is important to reaffirm traditional values.... I personally am very liberal (on matters of personal morality). “People have the right to live their lives the way they want. But they should not be aggressive, or put it up for show."
People have the "right" to live how they want? In Russia?

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