Main | Friday, June 13, 2014

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: US Ambassador Celebrates Pride Month With Husband, Asks "Isn't It Time To Stop Hating?"

Andres Duque writes at Blabbeando:
Through a tweet sent this morning on the official Twitter account of the U.S. Embassy in the Dominican Republic ambassador James "Wally" Brewster and his husband Bob Satawake sent this powerful message to all Dominicans in observance of the month of June as LGBT pride month. Since his nomination to the diplomatic post Brewster has weathered constant attacks from conservative and religious fundamentalist in the United States and the Dominican Republic and, in response, he has not shied away from engaging those attacks head on with dignity and, as this powerful video shows, strength.
It's a great clip. "Isn't it time to stop hating?" Watch this.

RELATED: When Brewster was first nominated to the post last year, the local Catholic cardinal held a press conference during which he called Brewster a "faggot." The following week, Dominican Christians were encouraged to wear black armbands in protest of Brewster's nomination.

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