Matt Barber Predicts...
"The implications of this victory for freedom cannot be overemphasized as the decision holds essentially that First Amendment religious liberties are applicable to corporations. It protects those with pro-life views from being forced by the government to be complicit in (pay for or provide) abortion homicide procedures, whether chemical or surgical. There will be much analysis to follow and it remains unclear, but this bodes somewhat well for religious liberty in the context of how Christian business owners who sincerely hold to the biblical view of sexual morality may (or may not) 'associate' with others who are engaged in the counter-biblical 'LGBT' lifestyle or other forms of sexual immorality." - Hate group leader Matt Barber, writing for his website.
Labels: Christianists, crackpots, hate groups, Hobby Lobby, LGBT rights, Liberty Counsel, Matt Barber, SCOTUS