Main | Friday, June 27, 2014

Tony Perkins Cheers Abortion Ruling

"All nine justices, including the President’s prodigies, agreed that creating an invisible barrier between pro-lifers and clinic entrances was a ridiculous infringement on free speech rights. In a state like Massachusetts, plenty of liberals objected to the practice and worked to pass a law that makes it a crime to knowingly stand on a 'public way or sidewalk' within 35 feet of an entrance or driveway to any place, other than a hospital, where abortions are performed. Massachusetts leaders claimed their law furthered public safety and order -- but the real aim was restricting pro-life speech. A transparent ploy the justices saw right through. Although the decision is narrower than we would have liked, the Court did agree that the Massachusetts law violated the First Amendment." - Hate group leader Tony Perkins, via email.

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