Main | Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Hate Group Leader Linda Harvey Issues Study Guide For Her "Ex-Gay" Book

Hate group leader Linda Harvey has issued a student study guide for her "ex-gay" title, Maybe He's Not Gay. Via press release:
"Youth groups, college roundtables, and adult Sunday school classes can now explore the many facets of the issue of homosexuality through in-depth discussions centered around Maybe He's Not Gay," said Harvey, founder and president of Mission America. Harvey is a Christian radio talk show host, a speaker, columnist and author who writes frequently about the homosexual political agenda and its destructive impact on America, particularly on our youth. The guide is available at no cost on the Mission America site. This highly-acclaimed book is tailored especially for teens and young adults but has been praised by adults who appreciate its common sense, biblically-based approach to a difficult and controversial issue. Published in January 2014, the book presents the view that adolescents who claim a "gay" identity are not getting the whole picture and have been misled into believing the "LGBT" identity is risk-free and inborn like race. They have also been persuaded, contrary to research and many personal testimonies, that there's no hope of change.
RELATED: You may recall that Harvey's book was reportedly pulled from Amazon after complaints that it violated the site's rules against books that promote abuse. Harvey claims to have removed the book herself.

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