Main | Thursday, July 31, 2014

WISCONSIN: State Supreme Court Says Domestic Partners Law Is Constitutional

Via press release from Lambda Legal:
Today the Wisconsin Supreme Court upheld the state’s domestic partnership registry as constitutional, bringing a joyful end to a long legal battle by Lambda Legal on behalf of Fair Wisconsin and five intervening defendant couples. “We’re thrilled that Wisconsin same-sex couples can keep the limited but very important protections that the domestic partnership registry grants them,” said Christopher Clark, Counsel for Lambda Legal. “The statute is clearly constitutional, and the Supreme Court of Wisconsin agreed with us. Gay and lesbian couples in Wisconsin no longer have to fear that the protections they have will be taken away by unnecessary anti-gay legal action. “We also look forward to the day - fast approaching - when Wisconsin will join its neighbors to the south and west and the growing number of states across the country where same-sex couples have the freedom to marry, rendering limited domestic partnership registry unnecessary. Wisconsin same-sex couples are entitled to the full range of legal protections that only marriage provides,” Clark added.
The lawsuit was brought by Wisconsin Family Action, who claimed that the domestic partners registry, which granted hospital visitation rights among other items, violated the state's constitutional ban on same-sex marriage and "any legal status that is substantially similar to marriage."

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