Main | Friday, August 15, 2014

BRITAIN: Scott Lively Debates Newly Out Christian Singer Vicky Beeching

Via Pink News:
US pastor Scott Lively, who believes gay people can be ‘cured’, came to blows with lesbian Christian rock star Vicky Beeching yesterday (14 August). He told her she had ‘given into a lie’ into believing there is any such thing as a ‘gay person’. Beeching, a British theologian and musician who made her name in the US Bible Belt and came out this week, said she wants to become an advocate for gay rights within the church. But Lively has called on Beeching to not succumb to the ‘temptations of the flesh’ and repent her ‘sins’. The pastor, on trial for crimes against humanity for advising the Uganda government on drafting their anti-gay law, continued urging her to shrug of the ‘identity’ she has ‘adopted’. When he asked her whether she cared what ‘God thinks’, she said: ‘I do and that actually why I am taking this step today so young people don’t have to listen to the kind of teaching you peddle, because it damages people.’
The clip below opens with some background on Beeching. Lively joins via Skype at 7:30. Beeching handles herself admirably.

(Tipped by JMG reader Tom)

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