Main | Thursday, August 14, 2014

LOUISIANA: Baton Rouge City Council Rejects LGBT Rights Bill By 8-4 Vote

Another LGBT rights bill was rejected last night in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
The EBR Metro Council has voted against the controversial fairness ordinance by a vote of 8 to 4. Councilmembers John Delgado, Donna Collins-Lewis, Chandler Loupe, and C. Denise Marcelle all voted in favor of the ordinance. The ordinance would have made it illegal to discriminate against veterans, seniors and members of the gay, lesbian and transgender communities in Baton Rouge when it comes to employment, housing and public accommodations. The vote comes after public comments and opinions from both sides were shared at its July 22 meeting for more than three hours, but the council couldn't vote due to time limits.
Anti-gay protesters backed by the Louisiana Family Forum demonstrated outside the city council chambers before the vote took place. The bill was supported by numerous local business groups.

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