Main | Tuesday, August 12, 2014

MONTANA: GOP Billings Mayor Casts Deciding Vote Against LGBT Rights Bill

Via the Billings Gazette:
Saying he doesn’t believe Billings is ready for a nondiscrimination ordinance, Mayor Tom Hanel cast the decisive vote just past 3 a.m. Tuesday to defeat the long-debated measure. Hanel said he applied a standard from Rotary International to help him reach his decision: “I needed to ask myself, is this fair to everyone, beneficial to everyone? Will it build goodwill and friendships? I can’t say for sure,” he said of the NDO. The vote was 6-5, with council members Shaun Brown, Rich McFadden, Denis Pitman, Angela Cimmino and Mike Yakwich joining Hanel against the ordinance, which would have amended city code to protect people from being discriminated against on the bases of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. In support of the proposal were council members Becky Bird, Jani McCall, Brent Cromley, Al Swanson and Ken Crouch. Brown said he wasn’t against a majority of the ordinance, but did oppose a section that would have prohibited discrimination in public accommodations — namely, restrooms and locker rooms.

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