Main | Friday, August 29, 2014

Porno Pete Is Very Upset There Were No Anti-Gays At Gay Journalism Convention

"Even the NLGJA panel on religion and 'gay rights' was bereft of a traditionalist perspective, while the two openly homosexual speakers—former Episcopal Church bishop V. [Vicky] Gene Robinson and new Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ECLA) Bishop Rev. Doctor Guy Erwin—were heralded in the program as leaders of 'this next wave of the civil rights movement.'Both Revs. Robinson and Erwin compared opposition to homosexuality and Christian businessmen’s principled refusal to participate in 'gay weddings' to racist bigotry. Perhaps it is asking too much of  'mainstream' journalists who consider homosexuality part of their intrinsic identity (“who they are”) to cover LGBT-related issues impartially. Nevertheless, intellectual diversity and ‘opposing’ viewpoint inclusion—the watchwords of this conference and pro-LGBT advocacy in general—were in short supply at the NLGJA convention. That is a peculiar and glaring deficit for a profession that ideally is supposed to cover 'both sides' of controversial issues." - Peter LaBarbera, who paid $330 to spend a day glowering from the audience.

RELATED: The Evangelical Press Association will hold its annual convention in Denver on Oct. 1st thru Oct. 5th. And somehow, I'm not finding anybody on their list of speakers that will provide viewpoints that oppose the Christianist agenda. Somebody should totally write an outraged post about that.

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