Main | Thursday, August 28, 2014

Quote Of The Day - Dave Welch

"[Houston] City Attorney David Feldman did not have the legal authority to intervene with the validation and acted as judge, jury, and executioner by declaring 2,750 entire petitions invalid due to his claim of technical problems. The fact that a very diverse pastor-led coalition, in only 30 days, produced over 55,000 signatures in this historic effort makes it crystal clear that Houston citizens do not want our fundamental right of conscience stolen. We will win this battle. This is not an Alamo moment. It is a San Jacinto moment in protecting our families and freedom against liberal tyranny.” - Houston Area Pastors Council leader Dave Welch, referring to the 1836 battle in which the Texas Army slaughtered 630 Mexicans in 18 minutes. (Tipped by JMG reader Erik)

RELATED: Welch has called Houston Mayor Annise Parker "a cancer on the soul of the people" and has compared President Obama to Hitler. According to Welch, gay people are "morally depraved" and possessed by "the forces of spiritual darkness." Last year Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, who is running for governor, accepted an award from Welch's group.

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