Main | Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Tweet Of The Day - John Stemberger

Florida hate group leader and fly champagne Lexus owner John Stemberger is referring to Bizzle, the rapper who was so outraged by the weddings at this year's Grammys that he issued a parody of Macklemore's Same Love in which he compared homosexuality to pedophilia and mental retardation with a bonus reference to Down Syndrome for extra Christian Love points. Courageous and godly! Praise! Glory! By the way, this week the National Black Justice Coalition denounced Stemberger for saying that America's inner cities have a "barbarian society." One wonders if Bizzle would mind that characterization. And the hypocrisy of posing on Lexus with a shirt that says "God Over Money" is really laughable. (Tipped by JMG reader Erik)

RELATED: Last month Stemberger declared that the fight against same-sex marriage "is worth dying for."

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