Main | Monday, September 15, 2014

Black Conservatives Group Aligns Itself With Anti-Gay World Congress Of Families

From a press release published by Christian Newswire:
The World Congress of Families is pleased to announce that the Black Conservative Summit (BCS) Leadership Initiative this fall in Washington D.C. organized by Freedom's Journal Institute has been designated a World Congress of Families Special Event. This year's summit will feature some of the leading Black conservatives and Christian leaders from across the country, including Bishop Harry Jackson, Ken Blackwell, Day Gardner, Ben Kinchlow, Dr. Eric Wallace, Dean Nelson, Walter Hoye, Bishop E.W. Jackson, Former U.S. Senator Jim DeMint and U.S. Senate chaplain Barry Black. The event's theme is "Advancing Conservative Principles and Stemming the Liberal Tide: A Matter of Faith, Race and Politics."

Freedom's Journal Institute is devoted to research, education, and the advancement of public policy that promotes Responsible government, Individual liberty and fidelity, Strong family values, and Economic empowerment (R.I.S.E Principles) in the urban community from a biblical perspective. We believe that at no other time in American history has the fight to uphold our nation's founding principles required our undivided attention. WCF Managing Director Larry Jacobs stated: "We're honored to be involved with this historic conference, particularly because of its emphasis on the natural family." Organizers explain: "Both historical and biblical precedence bears witness to the fact that the 'natural family' is the foundation of our society."
RELATED: Last week the Illinois-based World Congress of Families held a conference at the Kremlin where it issued a call for more nations to criminalize homosexuality. Among those in attendance was NOM president Brian Brown.

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