Main | Tuesday, September 16, 2014

"Nonpartisan" NOM: Send Us Money To Help The GOP Win The US Senate

"NOM needs your help to continue to stand up and fight back! Won't you please make a generous gift right away, knowing that your donation — of whatever amount — will be matched dollar-for-dollar? We're seeing the furious attacks against marriage taking place all around us every day... radical activists seeking out hand-picked, liberal judges throughout the country and launching lawsuits against marriage laws in virtually every state... major corporations taking positions to endorse marriage redefinition — even throwing their financial weight behind the movement — despite the fact that millions of consumers and existing customers believe in marriage...

"It's frustrating, I know. Sometimes, people feel powerless. But you and I know that it's merely another call to action... because marriage is worth defending — always! Remember, if you act now you are taking advantage of our limited-time matching gift, which will instantly DOUBLE the size and impact of your gift! We CAN retake the Senate. We CAN elect marriage champions and ensure that the GOP remains strong on marriage. We CAN make a resounding statement that the Supreme Court will hear BEFORE they rule on the future of marriage in America. But we need your help to fully realize this matching gift opportunity, ensuring that we have the resources we need to WIN this November!" - Nonpartisan (SNORK!) hate group leader Brian Brown, who last week attended a Kremlin summit which called for more nations to enact brutal anti-gay laws.

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