Main | Friday, September 26, 2014

Pet Shop Boys Stand With LGBT Egypt

Activists are planning demonstrations at Egyptian embassies around the world on October 18th.
Because of all the prosecutions, discrimination, jailing, detentions, physical and verbal violence conduct, anal examinations, torture, deceptive, exposing and unethical media tools, humiliations, murders, the outdated cultures and believes pursued by the society and the Egyptian government against LGBTQI community members who have been living a double life full of fear and disgrace. We are calling for a solidarity protest, a stand for human rights, cause there is no excuse to be treated as such. To stop prosecuting Egyptian LGBTQI community members and show both, the society and the government that people stand for each other no matter where they are in the world. To tell both, the society and the Egyptian government, that people with diverse sexualities and gender identities can’t be punished for who they are. To deliver a message to the government in Egypt, that's what they did and they keep on doing won’t pass easily. The 18th of October, is the day in which we will become more vocal, visible and united. Join us on the 18th of October.
I'll have more details on the protests as the date gets closer.

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