Main | Saturday, September 06, 2014

Tony Perkins: Send Me Money Because Embassies Are Flying The Rainbow Flag

"Dear Joe, I saw something recently that was utterly shocking. Shocking because it unfortunately speaks volumes about the Obama administration's misplaced priorities. A rainbow flag - the banner of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender movement - has been hoisted by the United States government over our embassy in Israel. In fact, the Obama administration is now promoting homosexuality through our U.S. Embassies all over the world. Our ambassadors have been given the freedom to fly the 'gay flag' over our embassies as they see fit. The global Obama crusade for 'gay rights' is happening against a backdrop of the total collapse of his real foreign policy responsibilities. This administration is pressuring other nations to adopt Barack Obama's radical gay agenda -- but not to observe the most basic universal human right of religious freedom. It is clear that there is one foreign policy area that has President Obama's full attention: his extreme commitment to forcing foreign governments to adopt the radical homosexual agenda at all costs! He is plunging ahead to the detriment of our own national security. The American people must know the truth and be summoned to action to keep this insanity in check. Please help us by giving a generous contribution today. We need to make our fiscal-year-end goal in order to keep standing strong." - KKK-affiliated hate group leader Tony Perkins, in today's money beg.

NOTE: It was actually three months ago that the US Embassy in Tel Aviv flew the rainbow flag as part of that city's LGBT Pride Week.

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