Main | Wednesday, October 22, 2014

FRC Praises Puerto Rico Judge

"Judge Pérez-Giménez serves as a model of judicial restraint in the face of an epidemic of federal judges legislating from the bench on the issue of marriage. It is time for other courts to follow his example, and the Supreme Court shouldn't allow activist lower courts to redefine states' marriage laws.  Judge Pérez-Giménez not only rejected the constitutional arguments for redefining marriage, but succinctly made the case for natural marriage, noting that 'the very survival of the political order depends upon the procreative potential embodied in traditional marriage.' He is correct in saying that this is among the 'principles of logic and law that cannot be forgotten.' Every judge considering a marriage case-and every public official charged with administering or enforcing his or her state's laws on marriage-should read and take guidance from this ruling." - Hate group leader Tony Perkins, via press release.

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