Main | Thursday, October 09, 2014

MISSISSIPPI: Today's Front Page

Mississippi's most-read newspaper today declared that the "days appear numbered" for that state's ban on same-sex marriage. And that has local boy Bryan Fischer sputtering in familiar fashion. From the Clarion-Ledger:
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, which covers Mississippi, could provide the catalyst for the Supreme Court to decide the gay marriage issue once and for all, nationwide. And it's likely, many legal experts believe, bans on gay marriage such as Mississippi's will fall. "I am opposed to same-sex marriage, but I believe the time has come for people of faith in Mississippi to prepare for the overturning of our constitutional ban on it," said state Rep. Andy Gipson, House judiciary chairman. In Mississippi and other Bible Belt states, the gay marriage issue remains contentious. "I do think the bans are in jeopardy because of out-of-control, rogue renegade judges at every level of our federal judiciary," said Bryan Fischer, director of issue analysis at the Tupelo-based American Family Association. "The federal judiciary has become the place where the Constitution and democracy go to die." Fischer said federal government and courts should have no jurisdiction over state marriage laws. "There is no mention of the word marriage or homosexuality in the federal Constitution, so it should be left exclusively to the states," Fischer said.
Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant weighs in on the above-linked article: "In 2004, over 86 percent of Mississippi voters supported a constitutional amendment providing that marriage in Mississippi is valid only between a man and a woman. I will continue to uphold the constitution of the state of Mississippi." (Tipped by AM Equality)

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