Main | Monday, October 27, 2014

NEW YORK CITY: Statue Of Liberty To "Dress" For Halloween In Promo Stunt

As part of a promotional stunt for a menswear line, on Halloween a helicopter will suspend a giant bow tie in front of the Statue Of Liberty in order to create the illusion that the tie is actually affixed there. The feds are not happy.
The National Park Service told ABC News it doesn't have a say in Graham's project because the FAA controls the airspace around the statue, but if it did -- it wouldn't let it happen. "We have not been asked for a permit and, if we were, we would not permit such activity within our property," NPS spokeswoman Mindi Rambo told ABC News. [Nick] Graham, known as the creator of Joe Boxer but who has since launched a namesake line, said his plan is meant all in good fun. "Let's dress up America," he said. "That's what I'm really all about!" After getting a snapshot of Lady Liberty "wearing" the bow tie, the helicopters will fly up and down the Hudson and East Rivers to promote Graham's new line of neckwear and dress shirts. A third-party company will handle the banners and helicopters and is working with the Federal Aviation Administration, Graham said. The FAA did not immediately respond to ABC News' request for comment.
Even if the feds kill the stunt, the publicity will be a win for Graham. (Tipped by JMG reader Dean)

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