Main | Friday, October 10, 2014

Tony Perkins On Kentucky T-Shirt Shop

"Just because a company sells to the public doesn't mean it has to surrender its private views. Even for a t-shirt company, there's no one-size-fits all approach to managing a business. Like any shop, Hands On has the freedom to establish its own criteria of conduct and conscience. Blaine Adamson, the devout believer who runs Hands On Originals, was stunned. After all, there was no malice in the family's decision -- who politely declined to print t-shirts with a rainbow message that contradicted their faith. Unfortunately for the Left, the Constitution doesn't award its rights on the basis of political correctness. And until that changes, the Adamsons have as much freedom to reject homosexuality as his customers do to endorse it. While their attorneys at ADF fight on, Hands On's story is an interesting backdrop to a week full of marriage news. Thanks to the Supreme Court, Christians will be exposed to more attacks of this nature. By refusing to step in and protect state marriage amendments, the Left will have even greater latitude to punish people who morally object to the homosexual agenda." - Hate group leader Tony Perkins, via press release.

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