Main | Thursday, October 23, 2014

UTAH: Same-Sex Adoption Now Legal

Via the Salt Lake Tribune:
The Utah Supreme Court on Thursday lifted a stay which had barred from completion four pending adoptions of children by their same-sex parents. The action clears the way for the Utah Department of Health to issue birth certificates that list the same-sex parents as the children’s legal parents. It will also restart countless other adoptions that were left in limbo by Utah’s contention that the cases should be on hold until it was clear that gay marriage would be legal in the Beehive state. "The families involved are obviously relieved and thrilled," said Laura Milliken Gray, an attorney who represented one of the four families, and who also had six other adoptions in process when the stay was put in place. The court’s action was not unexpected, she said. The Utah Attorney General’s Office asked the state’s high court to lift the stay and any pending petitions for extraordinary relief. Utah’s reversal on the issue came two weeks ago when the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver ended Utah’s legal battle over the recognition of same-sex marriages and its associated rights, including adoption. Previously, so-called second parents had no legal rights to their children.
Equality Utah reacts: "This rectifies a major injustice. Families all over Utah are celebrating having their families united."

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