Today On Matt Barber's Site
What really happened is that some joker at Dartmouth distributed a list of prank questions to ask Perry during an appearance there last week. All of the questions dealt with anal sex and three of them were posed to Perry while he was onstage, although he declined to respond. LGBT ally Lulu Chang denounces the prank at Bustle:
Questions about anal sex are not subversive — they are insulting. They make light of the very serious discrimination faced by LGBT Americans, and reduce the entire notion of sexual liberation and independence to a joke that 8-year-olds find funny. What, exactly, was the desired goal, or rather, the expected reaction from Rick Perry? Was he intended to turn red in the face and suddenly realize that his stance on marriage equality was wrong? Was he expected to be so flabbergasted that he would turn tail and leave the cold of Hanover, New Hampshire for the humidity of College Station, Texas, never to return to the national spotlight again? Did anyone actually think that was going to work? And if not, what were these questions meant to achieve? No one in the audience laughed, for the record. Democrats, Republicans and Independents alike let out a collective groan when both the first and the second questions were asked.The prank was also blasted by the president of the student Democratic club. See the list of questions at the link above.
Labels: 2016 elections, Dartmouth, LGBT rights, Rick Perry