Main | Wednesday, December 10, 2014

NEW YORK: Hate Groups Launch Fund To Fight Public Accommodation Laws

In response to the upstate New York wedding venue that was fined for turning away gay couples, hate groups have launched a fund to fight public accommodation laws. From New Yorkers For Constitutional Freedoms:
In response to this direct attack on religious liberty, NYCF has established the Liberty Fund. The purpose of the Liberty Fund is to help preserve religious liberty in New York and to financially assist families and businesses who stand for Christian principles, even when it costs them. When a Christian must choose between obeying the clear command of God’s authoritative Word or the broken laws of man, that Christian should always choose obedience to God. God honors these decisions, and though the path may not be easy, it is the only right one. You can participate in this important effort by making a gift to the Liberty Fund today. Please remember that donations for this effort are not tax-deductible.
NYCF was one of the major groups that failed to stop same-sex marriage in New York. In the clip below, the head of NYCF is interviewed by their coalition partner, Focus On The Family.

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