Main | Wednesday, January 14, 2015

GOP Rep. Randy Weber Reintroduces Bill To Ban Feds From Recognizing Out-Of-State Same-Sex Marriages

With the intent of preventing Texas gays from bringing home their filthy marriage rights, yesterday Rep. Randy Weber (R-TX) reintroduced the State Marriage Defense Act, which would ban the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages conducted outside of the state in which the couple resides. Weber first introduced the bill in January 2014, but it died in a House subcommittee after fewer than 25% of Republicans bothered to sign on as cosponsors. On Monday, Weber appeared on the Family Research Council's radio show, where he expressed optimism that the bill will do better this time due to GOP control of both chambers. According to Weber, Sen. Ted Cruz and Sen. Mike Lee will advocate for the bill. Weber: "Then we'll see what the president does with it. But I'm not hold my breath for the president to sign it."

RELATED: Yesterday Weber earned nationwide ridicule after comparing the president to Adolf Hitler. Weber issued an apology later in the day.

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