Main | Monday, January 12, 2015

SCOTUS Rejects Louisiana Case

The Louisiana case was just heard on Friday by the Fifth Circuit Court. SCOTUS meets in conference again on this Friday, after which we might hear their decisions on the four appeals out of the Sixth Circuit.

UPDATE: SCOTUSblog reports on today's action.
The Supreme Court, returning from its winter recess, decided on Monday not to take on a same-sex marriage case that remains under review in a federal appeals court, but otherwise took no action on that constitutional controversy. The Court made no comment as it turned own a plea by same-sex couples in Louisiana to review that state’s ban, which had been upheld by a federal trial judge in New Orleans (Robincheaux v. George). The Court may indicate later in the day when it may next consider four same-sex marriage cases from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit.
UPDATE II: The Sixth Circuit cases have been re-listed for consideration during the SCOTUS conference on Friday.

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